Esrail Liliane

Born­ on June 9th, 1924 in Biarritz.­

­Arrested­ on January 10th, 1944 in Biarritz with her two brothers aged 13 and 17. The three children were orphans and had been brought up by their grandparents. They had a Jewish ancestor but were not considered as Jewish according to the Vichy racial laws. Interned in Bayonne, then Bordeaux and Drancy.­

­Deported­ to Auschwitz Birkenau on February 3rd, 1944. Registration number: 75127. Her two younger brothers were gassed upon arrival. She endured both Birkenau and Auschwitz camps. After the Death March, she was interned in the camps of Ravensbrück and Neustadt-Glewe in Germany.­

­Liberated­ on May 2nd, 1945 in Neustadt-Glewe.­

­When she returned­ to Biarritz at the end of May 1945, she was reunited with her grandmother.

The blockova

Esrail Liliane
Prisonniers de fonction | 01:21

Here is the most degrading place

Esrail Liliane
Hygiène | 01:52

50 women in line, it was not a beautiful sight

Esrail Liliane
Hygiène | 01:25

There was no paper, nothing

Esrail Liliane
Hygiène | 00:51

We are sisters in misery

Esrail Liliane
Solidarité | 04:32

I was punished, he threw me some bread

Esrail Liliane
Solidarité | 02:24

It was a paltry grooming

Esrail Liliane
Hygiène | 03:48

We didn't have our periods

Esrail Liliane
Règles féminines | 01:27

A Ukrainian woman offers me two onions

Esrail Liliane
La faim - La nourriture | 01:49

We were on our feet all day long

Esrail Liliane
Epuisement des êtres | 01:26

All that took place in repulsive filth

Esrail Liliane
Hygiène | 00:54

In all the kommandos, prisoners of the same nationality gathered

Esrail Liliane
Origines et nationalités | 01:13

Hoping to survive

Esrail Liliane
Usine Union Werke | 01:29